Thursday, 20 January 2022

Caste Based Discrimination and Power Equation


Caste Based Discrimination and Power Equation
" I think the problem is that many people in America think that racism is an attitude. And this is encouragd by capitalist system. So they think that what people think is what makes them a racist. Actually racism is not an attitude.
If a white man wants to lynch me, that is his problem. But if he has the power to lynch me, that is my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude, it is a question of power.
Racism gets its power from capitalism. Thus, if you are anti-racist, whether you know it or not, you must be anti-capitalist. The power for racism, the power for sexism, comes from capitalism, not an attitude.
You cannot be racist without power. You cannot be sexiest without power. Even men who beat their wives get this power from society which allows it or condones it, encourages it. One cannot be against racism, one cannot be against sexism, unless one is against capitalism."
-- Stokely Carmaichael
The role of power in racism is equally relevant in the case of caste discrimination and persecution of Untouchables ( Dalits) in India. It is a fact that Dalits are a deprived lot. The Savaranas ( higher castes) have all types of power social, economic , admintrative and political concentrated in their hands. The total dependence of Dalits on higher castes makes them vulnerable. Hence caste discrimination and suppression of Dalits can be checked only by change in the power equation between Dalits and higher castes. The simplest solution of change of attitude cannot put an end to caste discrimination. Dalits themselves have to strive hard to get empowered to end caste discrimination. Dr. Ambedkar also had realized that the problems of Dalits are less of social but more of political. That is why he exhorted the Dalits to win political power. It is high time that we make all out effots to empower Dalits socially, economically and politically. It is only the change in material conditions of Dalits which can lead to their escape from caste discrimination and opperession.क  themselves have to struggle hard to get their due share in all types of power and resources. We must keep in mind that caste discrimination is not a matter of attitude. Rather it is a question of change of power equation in society.

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